Monday, October 20, 2008

Broken Radio Antenna at Polunsky Unit

I'm sure some of you have had your guys complain about the broken antenna on the death row bldg. It's been about 3 months now that's it's been that way, and a lot of the guys are really upset about it. Some areas get perfect reception, most do not.. some guys are only able to pick up 1 station, 2 tops... To us this may seem like a very small issue, but to those guys it's huge... It's a connection to the world that they DO need, be it music, news, or if you have a husband like mine.. sports!!

TDCJ has virtually stripped these men of everything.. now the one "luxury" they are allowed, doesn't work... When complaints have been made .. they've all been told the same thing... "Huntsville knows about this problem, We don't know when it will be fixed."

Maybe Huntsville needs to hear from us... It will take a few minutes of your time to give a call and let them know how you feel about this.. If we make enough calls, I'm sure that antenna may just get fixed...

Here's some numbers to try...

TDCJ Director's Office- Huntsville

TDCJ DEputy Director- Huntsville

Ombudsman Office

Terri Been


Anonymous said...

WHO really cares if they cant watch tv, they should be happy they have a tv, let em use the needles that should be in their arms as an antenna

Hooman Hedayati said...

Actually there are no TVs on death-row. They can only have a radio which is not working now.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, cell phones are quite popular there.