Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Spring Break video and the TDCAA blog

Although most of the spring break reviews by the Texas County and District Attorney's Association's (TDCAA) blog is negative, I found this comment by a prosecutor from Fort Worth named "Ray" interesting.
He said: "On a more serious note, I am not at all concerned with young people engaged in any sort of political discussion. Having seen in the past the level of discourse on previous "MTV Does Spring Break in Cancun" et cetera, discussing or even attempted brain washing regarding the death penalty is a definite upgrade. I remain confident that if the young generation spends time discussing life or death issues they will turn out far better than if they discuss the type of suntan oil to use at Cancun or how many shots it takes to reach alcohol saturation.
As prosecutors we should welcome the discourse, our best argument will always be the criminal defendant and his actions."

Also the bus trip section of the 2006 Anti-Death Penalty Spring Break is available at Google Videos. This video includes the bus trip to Huntsville Texas to protest execution of Tommie Hughes and also the speech by Rev. Caroll Pickett who witnessed 95 executions during his time as the Chaplain of the Texas Death Row.

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