Monday, May 11, 2009

Death Penalty presentation this Wed. @ Resistencia

En el corazon del South Austin

tenemos un love for liberation! c/s

Red Salmon Arts & Resistencia Bookstore Calendar May 2009
7pm Wednesday May 13, 2009
Red Salmon Arts presents The Death Penalty and the Modern Meaning of Southern Justice:
a platica/discussion with Melynda Price
Assistant Professor at the University of Kentucky College of Law

Melynda Price teaches in the areas of torts, immigration, law and social science and law and popular culture. Her research focuses on citizenship, punishment and the role of law in the politics of race and ethnicity in the U.S. and its borders. In 2006, Price completed a Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of Michigan. She was awarded the 2006 Best Dissertation Award by the Race, Ethnicity and Politics section of the American Political Science Association. She is currently completing a book, At the Cross: Race, Religion, and Citizenship in the Politics of the Death Penalty Among African Americans. Price also has a J.D. from the University of Texas School of Law and an undergraduate degree from Prairie View A&M University. Her most recent publication is Litigating Salvation: Race, Religion, and Innocence in the Cases of Karla Faye Tucker and Gary Graham in the University of Southern California Review of Law & Social Justice. Price has a forthcoming publication on the death penalty and the pursuit of justice in the Rwandan genocide, Balancing Lives: Individual Accountability and the Death Penalty as Punishment for Genocide (Lessons from Rwanda) in the Emory International Law Journal. She serves on the Board of the Kentucky Equal Justice Center. She is a native of Houston, Texas.

9pm Saturday May 23, 2009
*Conjure: Calling up the Spirit of Struggle, Resistance, & Liberation*

We invite you to a forum for progressive artist/activists:

A series of experiments in jazz music, dance, spoken word, & cinema

This session will feature:

spoken word peformance by Matt Richardson & body movement/dance by Annelize Machado

Rooted in the tradition of improvisation, revolution, and blues, Conjure is a sovereign site for artistic/exploratory/spiritual collaboration, expression, and rejuvenation. Each jam session will highlight the “Afrological improvised music” of the 3 Jazz Collective along with a featured spoken word performer, dancer, and filmmaker inspired by the jazz aesthetic.

Throughout the series, we will celebrate/recognize/honor through artistic revelation/expression the resistance and revolutionary creativity of warrior women and men from John Coltrane and Joe Henderson to George Jackson, Assata Shakur,

and local warriors such as Ana Sisnett and raúlrsalinas.

$5 dollar suggested donation

a salmonrojo production.

Sponsored by Thematic Initiatives and Community Engagement of the University of Texas at Austin (TICE)

3 Jazz collective: Joao Costa Vargas – bass

Phillipe Vieux – baritone, tenor, & soprano saxophones

Kevin Witt – drums

Bruce Saunders - guitar

New & Recent Titles

Lighting the Eighth Fire: The Liberation, Resurgence, and Protection of Indigenous Nations edited by Leanne Simpson {Arbeiter Ring Publishing}

Ismaelillo: The First bilingual edition of poetry by Cuban revolutionary Jose Marti {Wings Press}

What Lies Beneath: Katrina, Race, & the State of the Nation edited by the South End Press Collective {South End Press}
The Medicine of Memory: A Mexica Clan in California by Alejandro Murguia {UT Press}
Afro Asia: Revolutionary Political & Cultural Connections Between African Americans & Asian Americans edited by Fred Ho & Bill V. Mullen {Duke Unvi. Press}
Baby Coyote & the Old Woman/El coyotito y la viejita: a bilingual celebration of friendship & ecological wisdom by Carmen Tafolla {Wings Press}
Rethinking Globalization: Teaching for Justice in an Unjust World edited Bill Bigelow & Bob Peterson {A Rethinking Schools Publication}
When the Prisoners Ran Walpole: A True Story in the Movement for Prison Abolition by Jamie Bissonette {South End Press}
A Tuesday Like Today: a novel by Cecilia Urbina translated by Clare E. Sullivan {Wings Press}
Native Americans & the Christian Right: The Gendered Politics of Unlikely Alliances by Andrea Smith {Duke Univ. Press}
Brown Unlike Me: Poems from the Second Layer of Our Skin (chapbook) by Emmanuel Ortiz {Calaca Press & Red Salmon Press}
That's Not Fair! Emma Tenayuca's struggle for justice/No Es Justo! La Lucha de Emma Tenayuca por la justicia written by Carmen Tafolla & Sharyll Teneyuca/illustrated by Terry Ybanez {Wings Press}
Big Noise Dispatches 01 thru 04: A look at war, crisis, survival & dignity {Big Noise Films/PM Press} DVD's
The Jena 6 by Big Noise Tactical Media narrated by Mumia Abu Jamal {Big Noise Films/PM Press} DVD
The War of 33: Letters from Beirut by Big Noise Tactical Media {Big Noise Films/PM Press} DVD

Resistencia Bookstore, casa de Red Salmon Arts

1801-A South First St.,

Austin, Tejas 512-416-8885

Red Salmon Arts is funded in part by the City of Austin through the Cultural Arts Division and by a grant from the Texas Commission on the Arts and an award from the National Endowment for the Arts, which believes that a great nation deserves great art.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is anyone from houston heading out to austin resistencia this evening?